IMAGINE KALAMAZOO 2025 – Updating the City of Kalamazoo Master Plan Why You Should Care and Participate
The City of Kalamazoo is in the process of updating its current Master Plan. The idea is that the Updated Master Plan will be a comprehensive strategic framework that guides City policies, decisions, and actions for the next 10 years (2016 through 2025), with the goal of improving the quality of life for everyone. For example, City budgetary expenditures, and rulings by the Planning Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals should be in-line with the vision, priorities, and framework described in the Updated Master Plan.
As part of the Imagine Kalamazoo 2025 Strategic Vision and Master Plan Update process, the City wants your input to identify priorities and determine what "things we must do" to bring about change.
YOU can participate by going to the City's website, completing the survey, and encouraging your neighbors to do the same.
On the City website you will need to sign in so that there is some way to be sure that the survey responses are actually coming from City residents. So that we can all see the actual responses (i.e., the “raw” data), all electronic survey responses will be publically posted, but you have the option of not showing your name. Alternatively, you can download a .PDF file of the survey and mail/fax/hand-deliver the paper copy to the City.
All survey responses MUST be submitted before 11:59pm on March 31st.
It is important to understand that this survey (Phase 1) is a critical part of the Strategic Vision and Master Plan Update. On April 8, 2016 the next phase (Phase 2) of the Master Plan Update will begin, and will build from the ideas and challenges submitted during this Phase 1 survey. In Phase 2 of the Master Plan Update, the City will be asking you to help develop and refine the framework of ideas that were presented during the Phase 1 survey.
2. The page is labeled “Open Town Hall”. Under the words “What is your vision for Kalamazoo?” click the blue “Go to the Topic” button.
3. This page is labeled “Introduction Imagine Kalamazoo 2025”. You can read some background information on the Master Plan, or immediately scroll down to the bottom of the page where you will see the blue words “Your Response”. Under those words click the blue button “Take the Survey”.
SUMMARY OF SURVEY QUESTIONS Here is a summary of the survey questions so you can think about them ahead of time:
1. Identify your Dreams/Goals for the City of Kalamazoo. • What do you believe our community needs to be a great place to live and work? • What do you love about Kalamazoo? What are the assets or strengths that need to stay, endure, and/or be built upon in the City?
2. Identify Barriers to achieving those dreams/goals. • Considering your vision for Kalamazoo, what are the barriers to achieving it? • Think about opportunities in Kalamazoo. How can we make the City stronger with a unified vision?