*W-A-L-K Nature Route
Ready to Travel! This Oakland Drive - Winchell Neighborhood Association project has been in the works for a while now, and we’re excited to be wrapping it up this summer! The WALK (Winchell-Asylum Lake-Kleinstuck) Urban Nature Route is the ODWNA's "Quick Win" project; a city-funded project that was approved after the completion of the ODWN Neighborhood Plan, which was approved for inclusion in the City's Master Plan in June 2020 by the Kalamazoo City Commission. The WALK Nature Route aligns with the following sections of our Neighborhood Plan:
You can also scan the QR codes on each of the seven information/map signs in each of the seven parks within our neighborhood to learn more about each stop along the way! Keep an eye out for a celebration event later this summer and check out the ODWNA website HERE for more route info. *Annual Third Christian Reformed Church Neighborhood Picnic
Saturday September 7, 5:00-8:00 pm Once again, Third Christian Reformed will be holding their annual neighborhood picnic! Plenty of picnic food & tables will be available. Kid & family activities will include: Bounce house - Obstacle course - 3D climbing wall - Firefighter truck for kids to meet & interact with firefighters - Petting animals - Cornhole - Nine square in the air - Giant Jenga Attendance is FREE and all are welcome to meet your neighbors, get to know one another, share food, and enjoy the entertainment! *Neighborhood Traffic Calming
Letter From Public Services to our Neighborhood On August 9 the ODWNA Board received a letter from Jame Baker, Public Services Director, addressing the traffic calming measures that have been implemented within the neighborhood. You can read an excerpt of it below, and access the full letter HERE. ------------------------------------------------------- After the ODWN Neighborhood Plan was approved by the City Commission in June 2020, several projects under the Connected Neighborhood goal were implemented, including adding sidewalks, pedestrian refuge islands, and pilot traffic calming projects, as well as intersection redesigns intended to slow traffic. The projects that were tested to slow traffic generated a great deal of conversation within the neighborhood and some have become polarizing features – with residents both strongly disliking them and others supporting their impacts. Preliminary data on traffic calming and crash statistics for the neighborhood has been compiled into a brief report which may be accessed HERE *Stewards of S. Glen Park
2024 Clean Up & Planting Days - Volunteers Welcome! S. Glen Park is a public, neighborhood "mini-park" located off Kensington Ave. (between Ferdon & Wellington) 2024 workdays: Sat. Sept. 14 2p-4p Workday treat invasives Sat. Oct. 12 2p-4p General Workday Wed. Oct. 26 Set up Haunted Woods for Halloween No rain dates - Dress for work and the weather - Bring your own work gloves and bug spray Questions? Email Karin * Winchell Native Plant Enthusiasts
2024 Calendar of Events
*Neighborhood Road Construction Projects
March thru October - Projects set to start on Whites Rd. & Westnedge Ave. During construction, Whites Rd. will be open eastbound only. Drivers will be directed around construction via Howard or Kilgore to Oakland. The full project is scheduled to be completed in late October. Details and project updates at: www.kalamazoocity.org/projects *2024 City Clean Up Info.
(click on the blue text for full details)
*Native Plants
Native Plants "Cheat Sheet" - Download HERE a "cheat sheet" of native plant information for our area, as well as other valuable resources. Local Native Plant Sales (click on the links for details): *ODWN Neighborhood Plan
APPROVED By City Commission 6/1/20 Our Neighborhood Plan is now a part of the City's Master Plan!
*City & Neighborhood: Site Plans, Road Projects, Other Projects
1) Site Plans: The city regularly posts active site plans for review and comment by the public. Send your comments to: [email protected] 2) Road Projects: Information about road construction and other projects. 3) Other Projects: All other "Imagine Kalamazoo" city projects. |
Our next ODWNA Association meeting is:
Wed. September 18, 2024; 7:00pm - 8:30pm Third Reformed Christian Church 2400 Winchell Ave. (enter from north parking lot; use wooden doors) Speaker: Mark DeClercq, President, Applied Asset Management Topic: Stormwater Management & Adopt-A-Drain Program Our Roles & Responsibilities +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Our Board can always be reached via EMAIL HERE *Imagine Kalamazoo 2035 Strategic Vision & Master Plan Update
Starts September 19, 5:00pm at the KIA Imagine Kalamazoo 2035, a community conversation to shape the City’s vision and work plans for the next ten years, will start on Thursday, September 19 with a community open house and presentation at the Kalamazoo Institute of Arts. The open house will start at 5 p.m. with the presentation starting at 6 p.m. The event will conclude at 7:30 p.m. The open house will mark the beginning of an 18-month process to collaboratively plan for the next 10 years of progress in Kalamazoo. The result will be a new Strategic Vision and Master Plan that will guide the City’s work through 2035. Throughout the multi-phase process, City staff will be holding meetings, conducting surveys, speaking with focus groups, and attending events to connect with community members and listen to concerns, ideas, and visions for our future. Full details here *Hydrant Flushing
Starts September 15 City staff flush hydrants in the spring and fall to force naturally occurring mineral deposits out of the water system. Flushing is also an opportunity to make sure components in the system are working properly.
*Recycle Coach App
FREE App For Personalized Trash, Recycling Info. And More! The City of Kalamazoo has launched of a mobile app (iPhone & Android) and website plug-in containing all of the information residents need to know about residential trash and recycling services, tailored specifically to your neighborhood. Other features include:
The app is available for Android and iPhone users and can be downloaded from the App Store and Google Play for free by searching for “Recycle Coach” *Upcoming City Projects
Want to find out what street construction projects are planned this year? Wondering about upcoming parks projects? All City projects can be found at: www.kalamazoocity.org/projects You can also sign up for email updates on road construction at that website that will be provided approximately every two weeks. *Kalamazoo County Smart911 Available
Now Available! Smart911 is a free service that allows individuals and families to sign up online to provide key information to 9-1-1 call takers during an emergency. Smart911 allows citizens to create a Safety Profile at www.smart911.com for their household that includes any information they want 9-1-1 and response teams to have in the event of an emergency. When a citizen makes an emergency call, their Safety Profile is automatically displayed to the 9-1-1 call taker, allowing them to send the right response teams to the right location with the right information. *Are Your Service Water Pipes Made of Lead?
Kalamazoo's municipal water system has about 4,300 known lead service lines at about 2,800 addresses out of a total of more than 46,000 service lines in the system. At about 1,600 addresses, both the yard service lines and street service lines are lead. Of those addresses with one or the other, most of the lead pipes are yard service lines, according to city records. Lead and Copper Program The City offers free lead and copper testing kits to City of Kalamazoo water customers. ================== Here is a guide from the EPA, supplied to us by the City, that explains: • How lead gets into the body • About health effects of lead • What you can do to protect your family • Where to go for more information Protect Your Family From Lead in Your Home * Connect With City Government!
Connect with the city to receive news, updates, and alerts 1) General Questions / Comments? (269) 337-8000 or 3-1-1 within city limits -or- www.KalamazooCity.org/contact 2) Foundation For Excellence website 3) www.ImagineKalamazoo.com where the public can connect and collaborate with local decision makers and other residents on the future of our community. 4) www.kalamazoocity.org/connect provides information on how residents can connect with the city to receive important information and updates. 5) The city has created a bi-monthly online newsletter. This publication will contains City information - news, alerts, meeting schedules & agendas, and events. Go HERE to sign up. |
ODWNA Statement of Purpose
-Preserve and enhance the neighborhood living concept in the area via the ODWN Neighborhood Plan.
-Protect the natural beauty of the area.
-Encourage the beautification, physical well-being and neighborhood spirit of the residential area.
-Constructively assist the Kalamazoo City and County Planning Commissions.
-Provide a forum for open and frank discussion of different points of view on neighborhood development.
-Provide for communication on matters of neighborhood interest to residents.
The Oakland Drive/Winchell Neighborhood Association was founded in 1973 in response to the City of Kalamazoo's proposal to widen Oakland Drive, which would have required the removal of many trees.
-Protect the natural beauty of the area.
-Encourage the beautification, physical well-being and neighborhood spirit of the residential area.
-Constructively assist the Kalamazoo City and County Planning Commissions.
-Provide a forum for open and frank discussion of different points of view on neighborhood development.
-Provide for communication on matters of neighborhood interest to residents.
The Oakland Drive/Winchell Neighborhood Association was founded in 1973 in response to the City of Kalamazoo's proposal to widen Oakland Drive, which would have required the removal of many trees.
ODWNA Board Members
President - Chris Shook
Vice President - Diana Morton-Thompson
Treasurer - Rachel Bennett
Secretary - Chris Bovid
Past President - Peter Kushner
Board Members at-large:
Christine Chadderdon
Barbara Miller
Barry Olsen
Paul Scott
Stephanie Watkins
President - Chris Shook
Vice President - Diana Morton-Thompson
Treasurer - Rachel Bennett
Secretary - Chris Bovid
Past President - Peter Kushner
Board Members at-large:
Christine Chadderdon
Barbara Miller
Barry Olsen
Paul Scott
Stephanie Watkins
Oakland Drive / Winchell Neighborhood Map
ODWNA ~ P.O. BOX 20061 ~ Kalamazoo, Michigan 49019
ODWNA ~ P.O. BOX 20061 ~ Kalamazoo, Michigan 49019