- All meetings are held on WEDNESDAYS at 7:00pm [Meet & Greet your neighbors and ODWNA Board @ 6:30pm] in the Third Christian Reformed Church (NW corner of Winchell/Broadway) library from September through May; excluding December.
- Click here to learn more about the Oakland Drive / Winchell Neighborhood Association and/or to become a member
ODWNA Statement of Purpose -Preserve and enhance the neighborhood living concept in the area. -Protect the natural beauty of the area. -Encourage the beautification, physical well-being and neighborhood spirit of the residential area. -Constructively assist the Kalamazoo City and County Planning Commissions. -Provide a forum for open and frank discussion of different points of view on neighborhood development. -Provide for communication on matters of neighborhood interest to residents.
The Oakland Drive-Winchell Neighborhood Association was founded in 1973 in response to the City of Kalamazoo's proposal to widen Oakland Drive, which would have required the removal of many trees.
ODWNA Board Members President - Chris Shook Vice President - Diana Morton-Thompson Treasurer - Rachel Bennett Secretary - Chris Bovid Past President - Peter Kushner
Board Members at-large: Christine Chadderdon Barbara Miller Barry Olsen Paul Scott Stephanie Watkins